Sunday, March 30, 2014

To .... Remembering

This is my favorite picture from this week.

s.l.a.y. m.e.

Swim starts this week & while she is not officially on the team - she is going to be rockin' her own sweet style in Grandma's pool.

Rex bought her her own cap & goggles.
What she lacks in speed & aerodynamics, she'll make up in fashion :)

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Sailor asked me earlier what I was doing ....
Remembering life, I said.

It's time to post.

Rex was digging through the kids cup drawer & the dishwasher looking for a top for Chad's bottle. He couldn't find any & when he realized I'd thrown most of them away because they were too old .... it was very funny.

Just order new ones, please - I managed to laugh out.
He's been around long enough to just order new ones.

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Benny lost a tooth tonight.
He proudly showed me - with his mouth full of blood.
The kid is brushing teeth right out of his mouth.

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Sailor told us last night that she wanted a radio for her room. Rex told her she probably wasn't going to be getting one.
She came back with maybe wanting an phone. Then she could 'look up songs on YouTube like Allison'

We just kind of politely laughed - she missed the humor :)
Then we told her how we had a radio once .... back when we had a telephone .... the kind that was attached to the wall.
We added the attached to the wall part for clarification.

She was totally missing how hilarious the whole conversation was.
Just completely missing it.
Poor kid :)

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So for the past 2 years Mom & I have driven south for a quick overnight trip.
I drive. Mom talks.
We take roads like Avenue 56 & Road 144.
Sometimes we stop at intersections where Ave 29 crosses Rd 29. No joke.
We pass hundreds of acres of orange groves & dairies. Fruit stands & orchards.
Miles & miles of open fields.
We show up at a house with a little flag banner out front that says Christ is Risen.
There's a wreath on the door & the lawns are mowed.
The aunts are there.
So are the cousins.
There's chocolate pie in the 'frig & old amber colored pitchers of tea on the counter.
Baseball is on the TV & in the bathroom there is hand lotion, soap & a candle all with the same scent.
We talk about babies & who is due when. How old is she now & boy has he grown.
We sample the latest Mary Kay products & inspect the deals found at Hobby Lobby.
We eat chocolate & drink coffee.
We listen to Patsy Clairmont ... live, in person.

It's this generation of beauty.
It's a heritage.
It's worth preserving.

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I've been reminded {again} to believe what I already know.
Know truth.
Believe truth.
Act on truth.

And if ... like me ... you need to remember more than once a day, an hour or sometimes every 4 minutes - get a sharpie.

This weeks truth .... that's probably going to be sharpied, somewhere, somehow on someone(s)!!! is this .....
more often than not grace is needed most when it's hardest to give.
mercy too.

benny was attacked with bunny ears & regan's head was eaten by sunlight :)

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good_to_be_home said...

Great post, my friend. That bathing cap is truly something to slay a mama's heart. I loved reading your family memories and all the laughter, and then the poignant words about family. God bless your week, as I know he will. xo

amber said...

best swim outfit ever!!

Beth said...

I love your pictures and your writing and wish we lived close enough to hang out in real life. Can you imagine our combined noise? I can. It would be spectacular.

Enjoy your spring!