Thursday, September 11, 2014

To .... His Easy Yoke & First Days of School -

I used to say we home schooled by default.
Public school ..... I never went
Private school .... $$$

We're surrounded by community where home schooling is accepted ..... even 'the thing' to do.
But I had the back door open.
It's not for every one.
Or every kid.

There are good private schools.
Good teachers in public schools.
I didn't want to be lumped into 'you have a ton of kids, drive a van with fish all over the back & wear jumpers'

Conservative Christians - the home school community -  have been in the news recently .... and it hasn't been for their love of Jesus or His Gospel.

I like my distance.
My space.
And honestly my pride.

I would say I love my kids but I don't love home schooling.
I sure don't home school to wave the home schooling is the greatest thing ever flag.

I'd ask myself ...
Should we?
Is this right?
Is it too hard?
Harder does not equal Better.
Hard does also not give you an out to just quit.

Where's the bus?
I'm pretty sure we could totally afford the private school across town.
I could actually make dinner & have great after school snacks & be a better mom.

But each fall we started again.
Another grade.
Another year.
Another go.

And I'd compare.
And freak out.
And worry.
And stress.

I'd question.
After all, we have a van & a lot of kids!

But .....

Do I like it?
Do I believe in it?

<<deep breath>>

7 years in the answer is yes & yes.

I don't think I'll ever be a flag waver.

Home schooling is not an identity.
That is not what I want to be known for.

That's not what I want my kids to be known for.

Jesus is our identity. 

Systems & programs & groups ... they don't work.
They don't save.
They ask for a status quo that's ridiculous to try to keep up with.

Jesus saves.
He doesn't ask for doing.
Or stressing.

Or comparing.
Or freaking out.

He is.
He frees.
His grace frees.


'cause I have this tendency to forget all this when my boy is drowning in you-fill-in-the-blank subject.
And instead of throwing him a life raft,
Or better yet swimming in after him
I stand in the boat in exasperation, frustrated that he hasn't made it to the side yet.

I know, right.

His yoke is easy.
His burden is light.
For crying out loud!
Quit stupidly insisting on making it harder than it was ever intended to be.

- - - 

So moving on.
12 days into the 2014/2015 school year.

The days I 'stay in the boat' are always harder.
The ironic part is I can swim.
I even like to swim.
And they're fun.
These kids I get to be with.

Get wet.

If I'm not freaking out about going under - I'm less likely to drown.

Grace frees.

- - -

6th grade for this girl.
She's smarter than I was at 11 years old.
She thrives with school work.
She likes a challenge.
She's an excellent swimmer .... in more ways than one.

Grade 4.
He's not afraid of the water.
Or getting wet.
In fact, he doesn't do well at all in 'the boat'.

Second grader Ben.
He'll be in another lake before you can catch him.
But he's swimming ... at least :)

She's a 1st grader this year.
She rarely needs arm floaties or a life jacket.
She just really likes the company.

If ever there was a kid more excited .....
Jumps in.
Every day.
Feet first.
Big splash.

- - -

And my analogies are over :)

- - -

We're doing something this year for the first time.
Co-oping with some of our very dearest friends.
Once a week.
At our place.
With a hired tutor.
And thanking Jesus for how He provides.

We went extra official & took pictures.

And these guys just wanted to be a part of it too :)

Also, yes.
Yes I totally forgot to get a picture of Dolly.

Next -
We didn't hold signs & it took us a few shots to figure out 'look in the same direction at the same time'

But theses girls .... oh my heart bleeds love for them & gratefulness that we get to do life together & wonder at the beauty of their friendship.

- - -

First day of school day 2.
Where we go to class.
And Chad goes to Grandma's.
I teach other kids.
And my kids are taught by others.
Once a week.
And we remind ourselves the other 4 days a week of the beauty that is home schooling.

- - -

First day of school - day 3.
Where we stay home.
And no else comes.
And we take the traditional stand by the car school picture.
Minus lunch boxes.
And shoes :)

They are a gigantic reason why I work hard all day long.

Jack was filling out his AWANA book this afternoon.
Reading in 2 Timothy.
After answering that he did know who Jesus was, the next question was 'who told you about Jesus?'

He wrote A l l i
Then smiled, erased it & wrote mom.

His grace, His gospel .... it frees.

- - -

oh, ps.


Clarita said...

Oh my goodness, Alli. I LOVE THIS. So so much. We are homeschooling this year too, and you wrote just exactly what I've been thinking, and what I want so much for us this year too. So beautiful beautifully said, and written. I'm so glad you blog. I'm so inspired by you. I hope you have a wonderful year! xoxo

Jenna said...

I don't necessarily post frequent blog comments, but every now and then I simply canNOT let a post pass without commenting. This is one of those times. :) I'm saving this post for the "someday" when I'm a mom and, Lord willing, homeschooling my own kids - those inevitable days when I will doubt and fear and need a pick-me-up, and I'll come back to this post. It is so beautiful and encouraging and grace-filled, and I can feel your love for Christ and your reliance on His grace coming through every single word. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your transparency and your willingness to share your heart in such a bold and beautiful way. You are a blessing, Alli!

Wanda said...

This is so awesome, so totally spot on! Home schooling is NOT my identity, but I'm crazy enough to like it....and the grace thing, yeah, we always need grace around here! Here's to another year....