Sunday, March 9, 2014

To .... the Sacrifice of Relationships -


Some black & whites from this last week.

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5 minutes before we're suppose to leave ....
He was literally stuck in the mud.
But he had a stick & a smile & was having a great time.
His delight was worth the soaked shoes & wet pants.

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So there's this story from the weekend that I don't want to forget. It's a mix of phone & camera pictures. A lens with a zoom would have been a good idea. But what I saw out the window was too beautiful to miss, so I risked seeming too paparazzi-ish & tried to stay back enough to not interrupt the moments. 

About the girls & love & admiration & sacrifice & beauty.
About a little sister in love with a big sister. All she wanted was to be a part of her world, to play in the unlimited imagination of dress up & princesses and open fields.
It's about a sister who trusted that the sacrifice of her own time & space would be worth it in the long run .... worth it when you counted the cost of relationships.

Regan wanted to play with Sailor.
 .... pictures tell a better story ..... 

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.... sigh .....

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Busy week.
The kids finally hit 100 days of school tomorrow, making Monday exciting :)

'Yet You, God, are sovereign still, always & ever sovereign .... honor His holy Name with hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life!'  psalms 102 &105


Arlene said...

O how I love Love LOVE the hearts of those dear children. Homeschool is the B.E.S.T. Keep their lives protected, innocent, safe, for as long as you can. Tomorrow and the encroachments of pressures will come soon enough. In the mean time, strengthen their souls in the WORD of the LORD to have a backbone to win!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I LOVE the pictures of the two girls..oh how sweet.

Your blog is just great. :)

Beth said...

Your family is totally adorable. I love it.

Tessy @ Long Letter Memoir said...

You take amazing photos and capture so well the moments. The one where the dog joins them, I thought "The beauties and the beast" would be a great title. Sisterhood can be so precious when experienced like this.