Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To ..... Multiplied Accomplishments -  //noun //  something done, achieved or accomplished successfully. a special skill or ability gained by practice or training.

I've decided accomplishment is a drug.
A good drug.

Mile 2.5 ... rough.
Mile 4.1 - accomplishment

Sink and counters full of dirty dishes  .... ugg.
Clean kitchen - accomplishment

The blinds in our room got cleaned tonight, slat by slat. Plus we washed the windows.
The setting sun looked especially fine shining through them.

We waited out the busy barber shop.

7 swim practices left for the year & we are still showing up daily at the pool.

Chad stops in a parking lot when he's told.

Fresh wildflowers from down the road sitting in a vase on the table.
Accomplishment :)

Lazy only works for so long .....
Work hard, play hard. 

That said ..... we skipped a run tonight, promising each other we'll get up in the morning & I have the entire 4th season of Downton waiting to watch :)

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And then there's this blurry, flashy hybrid of working hard & playing hard all mashed up called 'boys do laundry'

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It was 8:24 tonight and I was scrambling eggs, frying ham & grilling burritos. They were watching some PBS show on sea otters from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Sailor had made cookies earlier - but they're all like their dad & won't go with that passing for a real dinner.
I know .... I don't get it either :)
And don't worry otter number 501 was successfully transferred back to its natural habitat.

Don't let your accomplishment drug get in the way of loving .... people are not lists. Even good things need moderation and love is a really good 'special skill' worth practicing.
----said me, to me----

camp post coming .....


Elizabeth Marie said...

Yeah, what is it with people not thinking cookies are dinner...I don't get it either. To me...cookies ARE real food. Oh well.

Loved this.
You are right...moderation.
Moderation is key!

Looking forward to a camping post! :)

Tessy @ Long Letter Memoir said...

Just got back from our camp trip and it was so fun. So looking forward to your camp post. I love camping posts. Love the last thoughts you shared... and love the picture.