Monday, August 4, 2014

To .... Mondays & Random & a few Pictures -

Monday started at 5:50 something with Molly waking me from a dead sleep saying in a loud voice that Peach was having kittens in her bed.

In her bed.
Right then.

And good morning.
After that we got up & ran 4 miles.

It was only like 89 degrees today.
It's been like 105 .... and it was overcast - so it practically felt like fall.
I wore sweats from Beulah Beach, Ohio.
All day.

Plus we didn't go anywhere.

Really what I did was sit with my going into 6th grade daughter & do long division.
For hours.

Like 734 divided by 82,091.
Pages of problems like that.
And Roman Numerals - which she rocks.
I've totally got X = 10 :)
She's got like CCLMMX ... or something like that!

The little girls played all day long in pink dresses.
They did 'bible studies' in the garage.
They watched Strawberry Shortcake.
They played with Benny.
They ate otter pops.

While Sailor & I did math problem after math problem .... after math problem.
She didn't think I was serious at the beginning of summer when I gave her the book.
Surprise :) I was.

I never finished cleaning the bathroom.
And a maroon colored crayon got into a load of laundry that came out of the dryer.

I could not resist when Chad asked if he could go with the girls to the trampoline.
He added please & the way he says trampoline ....
I was slayed & his nap started over an hour later.

Rex brought me fresh raspberries & cool whip.
I ate them 'til they were gone.

The house smells like coffee tonight .... it's like the first night in nearly a month.
Really work has been pretty slow the last month.
He's worked here & there - but not 'for reals' in several weeks.

Super timing - it's summer.
We had all this time & just no money :)
The bank accounts will appreciate the  steady work.
But there is something pretty great about being together.
All the time.

So I'll wake up by myself tomorrow for the first time in awhile.
And of course I'm wide awake tonight .... with nothing to do but eat york peppermints & try to pass level 64 of Two Dots.

Not really .... I have tons of other things to do.
Like figure out how to get crayon out of laundry.
Take to mom. Done :)

Back to the yorks.
Our anniversary was last week.
It's been 13 years.
Someone had this list of all the things they'd done in their so many years of marriage ....

us  ~  on a saturday night .... 13 years ago

We had a lot of kids.
And haven't been to Hawaii.

Love is a choice though, right?
It's worth fighting for.
It's worth not making yourself the center of.

We made the most of our last morning though ....
Even if he thinks there are better ideas for 6am than leaving footprints along the canal banks.

So, that'll wrap up the randomness.
Also .... this song has been playing through my head ... or heart really.
Cause in life there is pain & pain hurts.
And God is greater.
Always greater.

- - -


Anonymous said...

we've been doing math all summer too.
ALL summer.
and, happy (belated) anniversary. 2001 was a good year to get married. =)

good_to_be_home said...

If you rewash the clothes with a cup of baking soda it should remove the crayon.
I always love reading the bits and pieces from your day. I would like more information about the kittens in the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joyce said... are still my inspiration. The memories of your wedding day are precious. Congratulations! ....for the new kittens as well.

a joyful nusiance said...

You ran.

Good for you.

I would have wanted to go back to bed. lol

BTW, great song.