Thursday, February 19, 2015

To .... I'm Making Dinner, Let's Blog Too -

I'm chopping peppers & cooking meat.
Regan is at the table practicing the alphabet doing a dot to dot.
'what comes next, mom? after Quuuu?' said with the /U/ part of q long & drawn out

The boys are on their way home from baseball practice.
We went to a funeral this morning.
The little girls had a Valentine party with little friends.

It was overcast today.
Rex was off so he could attend the funeral.
We sat & listened to the testimony of a man who did extraordinary things for Jesus, in the most humblest of ways.

It's been a busy day.
And I'm going out again tonight.
So in the middle of all that, we post.

Welcome to a phone dump :)
Real life
Without cropping out tacky backgrounds.

First she wanted to wear a dress.
Next she wanted to be a cowboy.
Then she needed leggings ... candy corn leggings.

There was mixed loyalty during the Superbowl.

Some times school days start like this.

There's already daffodils at Trader Joes

She just burst into the school room one night while I was working already half way through her story.

I had this dream when she first started piano lessons years ago that one day she'd just sit & play & I'd listen & it would actually sound pretty & worth listening to & not just be some corny little diddy that you had to practice over & over to learn notes & scales.

One morning on the way to school.

.... in open fields of ....

I see it says on your resume you have big hair .....

Bathroom mirror selfies when you need fashion advice

That time we ate outside of Costco in a wind tunnel & the whole pizza box blew into my face.

Only throw the food that won't break, I say.

Oh you know .... just sitting by the back door chewing on a carrot.

Sometimes days call for chocolate covered pretzels.

When our table is all stretched out and every seat around it is full & she has to share the end with her daddy so there is room, I like that.

Just an afternoon in Mom's kitchen with family.

Me - hey group up for a picture
Sailor - hey there's a McDonalds across the street, let's go.

'take a picture of me (in the check out line at the grocery that.would.not.move) holding a yogurt for daddy'

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